
Kraken Audio Pack

The Kraken, a legendary terror of the seas, is said to resemble a giant squid or octopus of unimaginable size. With tentacles as thick as ships' masts, it lurks in the depths, emerging to ensnare unsuspecting vessels in its crushing grip


Yeti / Sasquach Audio Pack

Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, is a legendary hairy humanoid creature said to roam the forests of North America, particularly the Pacific Northwest. Described as standing over eight feet tall with a powerful build, it's covered in thick fur that can be brown, black, or even reddish


Werewolf Audio pack

The werewolf is a monstrous being, shrouded in folklore and moonlight. In its human form, subtle hints linger - bushy eyebrows, sharp nails, a restless gait. But under the full moon, the transformation is horrifying. A hulking mass of fur erupts, the human form twisted and contorted to resemble a monstrous wolf


Phoenix Audio Pack

The phoenix is a mythical bird known for its immortality and fiery rebirth. Originating in Greek mythology, this creature is said to cyclically regenerate, either bursting into flames and rising from the ashes or simply dying and being reborn anew


Gnome / Leprechaun Audio Pack

In folklore, a gnome is a small, humanoid creature that lives underground. They are often depicted as grumpy old men with beards and pointed hats, and are said to be guardians of hidden treasures


Mermaid Audio Pack

Mermaids are legendary creatures of the sea, depicted as having the torso and head of a beautiful woman and a tail that flows like a fish's. Their tales vary across cultures, sometimes seen as mischievous tricksters or enchanting singers who lure sailors to their doom.


Fire Dragon Audio Pack

With a bellow that shook the very mountain, the colossal dragon reared its head. Its scales, the color of molten lava, shimmered in the afternoon sun. Leathery wings, wide enough to blot out the sky, beat the air, sending a flurry of wind


Ice Dragon Audio Pack

The frost dragon soared through the biting wind, its crystalline scales shimmering like a glacier in the pale sunlight. With a deep rumble in its chest, it unleashed a plume of frigid breath. The air crackled as moisture froze instantly, forming a swirling vortex of ice crystals that blasted towards its prey


Poison Dragon Audio Pack

Unlike its fire-breathing brethren, the swamp wyrm coils in the fetid depths, its scales glistening an unnatural emerald. With a thunderous inhale, the air around it crackles. Instead of flames, a sickly green mist erupts from its maw, swirling and expanding with unnatural speed. This is the poison breath.


Fairy / Pixie Audio Pack

Fairies are magical creatures from folklore, often described as being small and beautiful with delicate features. They can be mischievous or benevolent, but always possess some kind of magic


Rock Golem Audio Pack

A rock golem lumbers across the landscape, a hulking giant composed entirely of rough-hewn boulders. Moss and lichen cling to its craggy form, whispering of its age. Glowing embers for eyes peer from deep sockets, the only hint of life within its stony shell


Pegasus Audio Pack

Pegasus, the magnificent winged horse of Greek myth, is often described as a powerful white stallion with majestic wings. Born from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa, he is a creature of both divine and monstrous parentage.


Minotaur Audio Pack

The Minotaur, a fearsome creature from Greek myth, lurked in the heart of the Labyrinth. Imagine a hulking figure, the body of a powerful man fused with the head and tail of a bull. Insatiable hunger burns in its eyes, a constant reminder of the bloody tributes it demanded.


Witches Audio Pack

Often living on the fringes of society, a traditional witch might be a woman, or sometimes a man, deeply knowledgeable about herbs, natural lore, and esoteric practices. They might use this knowledge for healing, divination, or protection, but some cultures also feared their ability to inflict harm through curses or malevolent magic.